A History of Eleazar Kauderer

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My Life

My name is Eleazar Kauderer, and this is my life.

The following few blogs are detailed descriptions of my life. I have tried to outline my childhood, leading into manhood, since I have led such an intriguing, exciting and eventful life. Most people can say they’ve led a busy life, but I think it’s safe to say that at 32, I’ve lived through several lifetimes worth of experiences. And it’s just beginning.

As with everyone, I have had my ups and my downs. But, in the end, I’ve found there is one lesson to be learned: no matter what happens, you must make it and turn what happens to you into a learning experience that helps you grow. Without a few downs, you’ll never realize how high you can soar!

I will also discuss my thoughts and views on world peace and unity in my blog posts. This world is coming apart at the seams, though a combination of differences in religion and insanity, and we must all pull together. It’s my hope that these blogs can change just one person’s point of view.
Get Ready for…

The life of the Football Star? What happened there?

The Dream of being a Wall Street Hot shot? Did it happen or did my bro take it away?

The life of the Radio Station Sensation? Why did that end?

The life of the successful NYC Promoter?

Wall Street and its success, downfalls and the pitfall

A life changing experience

Being home and the realization the world is not the same

Starting my own business with partner after partner only to be taken for a fool

International Banking and consulting....Where will it go?And my views on the world around us...Will the fighting ever stop?

The Adult Entertainment world....is this where it all ends?

Peace will make this world progress...

Hatred will only cause the fighting

to never end!!


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